Video isn't just a nice-to-have; it's vital to the life of your brand and business. It's not a matter of "if" you should do video, but how you can use it.
And that’s where it gets fun.
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Featured on CNET's podcast, So Money, hosted by Farnoosh Torabi
Video is the lifeblood to new business. Sure it’s a powerful selling tool. But you can’t throw a bunch of videos out there and wait for cash to roll in. The point of doing video—and doing it well—is not to go viral; it’s to build solid trust and growth with your audience.
For entrepreneurs, startups, and businesses of any stripe, being able to convey the value that your product delivers in a powerful, clear, authentic way matters—whether you want to generate new life long customers, or you want to continue nurturing your existing customers.
You don’t have to be social media famous to be generate massive sales. But first you must be seen and chosen.